RT @bios_community: Podcast🎙️: Future of Genetic Medicine w/ Ben Oakes & Dave Savage - Co-Founders of Scribe Therapeutics Learn more a… https://t.co/saoxdY5w2r
RT @igisci: Thanks to @NatureBiotech for sharing this story about our #CRISPR course in Nairobi, done in partnership with… https://t.co/oVk0IPViz4
RT @igisci: As part of IGI's #ClimateChange work, researchers in @dfsavage & Kris Nyogi's labs are figuring out how to make pla… https://t.co/lCaNl8cXIU
RT @bios_community: Biotech & Genomic Medicine in 2050🚀 Hear from Dave Savage - Assoc. Prof. @UCBerkeley Shoutout: @SavageCatsOnly,… https://t.co/bqovsTf1pl
RT @igisci: Some photos from the #CRISPR course in Nairobi! 🌱🌾🧬 Learn More: 👉 https://t.co/Xc2zMSRaz7 @ucdavis @IITA_CGIAR… https://t.co/6zd9jdo3po
Curious about how the bacterial CO2-concentrating mechanism came to be? So are we. Check out the Caltech article ⬇️… https://t.co/UV5EWt8Q8Y
RT @flamholz: Caltech news about our paper https://t.co/HfHnHfF1qW @SavageCatsOnly @Jjdesmarais2 @loltrogge @DNAmanipulation
RT @igisci: This week is the launch of the African Plant Breeding Academy, a course training top scientists from across the con… https://t.co/BjAiZH91lJ
RT @flamholz: New work online today! Eli and I used synbio tools to trace the evolution of bacterial CO2 fixation with… https://t.co/RzjJbZOESQ
sorry one of our engineered plants got loose, but we promise everything is under control (please stay inside) https://t.co/6T1BBK1un3
News and Commentary from the Savage Lab brought to you by our student-run twitter feed @savagecatsonly. Origin story: Dave has terrible handwriting and once labeled reagents in our shared cold room as ‘Savage Lab Only’. The adjacent lab was like “Who are the Savage Cats??” The rest is history.